When I get on the phone with a CEO, I often hear things like this.

  • “I’m trying to figure out how to get us from here to there, and I can’t admit this to anyone, but I feel lost in a maze.”

  • “We’re doing okay…but honestly, I can’t pinpoint which things are driving our success and which are a waste of time.”

  • “I try to communicate to my team which way to go, but at times it feels like they are rowing in a million different directions.”

To which I say, welcome to the jungle!

LEVErAGE 4,661 Days of Learning FOR YOUR BENEFIT

I spent my first two years just working on building a product and finding a fit with the market. Eight painful quarters later, we were an “overnight success.” Another 42 straight quarters of growth later, I had learned a number of lessons — most of them the hard way!

Getting through the jungle isn’t easy, but it is possible. I love helping CEOs and leadership teams find their way to other side.

When I coach a CEO or leadership team, we typically focus on these five things:

  • Finding sustainable product / market fit by digging deep into customer feedback and product strategy

  • Quantifying how to price effectively (too bad you can’t just ask customers how much to charge!)

  • Illuminating and untangling your organization’s messaging to help the market better understand the product.

  • Defining your Path to Victory, and stress testing that against valuation, addressable market, and input metrics

  • Helping you create shared clarity on mission, vision, values, strategic initiatives, and objectives

In addition, I’ve helped leaders fix talent problems, hire amazing people into key roles, figure out how to navigate board and investor issues, get better at managing their calendar and time allocation, and learn how to effectively embrace work / life integration as high performing leaders do.


  • SaaS software companies (generally B2B but some B2C)

  • Wealthtech companies

  • Wealth management and asset management firms


  • Two 90-minute coaching calls every month.

  • Zoom video calls highly preferred, but once in a while, we fall back on telephone calls to fit schedules.

  • Available for crisis help via text message.

  • Flat monthly fee, due on the 1st of each month in advance. Cancel any time before the end of a month.

  • Subject to availability, I’ve also helped my coaching clients with spreadsheet modeling, developing messaging, running customer surveys, or facilitating strategy offsites. These services are on an hourly or project fee basis.